a woman is sitting on the floor in a living room surrounded by cardboard boxes

Planning Ahead for Peace of Mind

With the unusual circumstance the Coronavirus Pandemic has brought, coupled with stay at home orders, many folks are finding they have more time on their hands. This unique situation in our world can actually allow you the time to “think ahead” and really begin the process of planning for your future retirement and senior living needs. Not only is it important to have a plan, but it can be very beneficial in securing the life you desire and hope for. It also can be very freeing to know you have thought carefully about this next phase of life and that you have a road map of sorts for these years. Planning for future needs can also lessen much of the worry that can come from the “what if’s.” With a good road map, the journey ahead can be much less stressful for you and your family.

Choices and Options

Today there are many choices and options when it comes to senior living. These choices and options can be quite varied. You may find it helpful to create a list of what is important to you when it comes to retirement living, this can be the early start to a good road map. Do you want a community with robust wellness opportunities? Is it important to have healthcare available on the same campus? Do you want opportunities for new friendships and social activity? Is purpose filled living and volunteering important to you? Are abundant amenities such as pharmacy, library, dining options, hair salon, etc of value? 

I also recommend that you research and visit a few different communities. Ask about pricing and floor plans. Many communities such as Messiah Village have an established wait list – what is involved with joining these wait lists? What happens when you need a bit more help with activities of daily living and/or if your health were to decline? A little research and questioning can go a long way in helping you feel comfortable, knowledgeable and more prepared to make a good decision. 

Rediscover Joys, Purpose and Opportunities

The one thing I do think I have heard most often from residents who move into a retirement community is this: “I wish I would have done this sooner!” I hear this because folks who move into a community such as Messiah Village share that they have new and wonderful friendships, a more active and connected lifestyle, and abundant opportunity for purposeful living. Community retirement living can bring so many new and fun options such as painting or art classes, woodworking, fellowship groups, craft or quilt groups, new classes to explore, movie nights, game groups and many other social events to experience. In addition, new wellness choices and convenience can offer a more active lifestyle. You may decide to try Tai Chi, chair volleyball or pool aerobics (all a short walk from your home!) Additionally, I find residents truly enjoy having a chapel and pastoral ministries team available to them at all times – when life is good and also when life has thrown a curveball. Senior living also offers so many opportunities to volunteer and give back, whether it’s providing companionship in a nursing neighborhood, delivering flowers, helping in the library, or becoming involved within a resident council, or new committee. 

Many folks are surprised to learn that campuses such as Messiah Village have an entire team dedicated to enriching the lives of those who live on campus! These opportunities become especially significant when you need to fill the void of a lost spouse or loved one. Community members are also especially grateful to know they are not responsible for home maintenance or upkeep anymore. They often experience a sense of relief and joy in knowing that future care needs can be accommodated right on the same campus. Also, it can be freeing to know that you have financially secured health care throughout all your years.

Now is the perfect time

The process for moving to a retirement community can often take months and sometimes up to several years. Waiting too long can limit choices and even decrease financial stability. Senior years can be some of life’s best years, but it requires planning ahead. Working together with the retirement counselors on the Messiah Village campus can help you customize that road map and make sure your road ahead is as smooth and comfortable as possible. We can also work with you to carefully select and personalize your perfect home. Many folks are surprised to learn that you can choose your carpets, flooring, paint color, shelving options, appliance choices, cabinetry, etc. May we suggest taking the time to reach out to one of our retirement living counselors – we are happy to listen, help navigate, and offer options and guidance for this next course of life. Call the Residential Living Welcome Center at 717.591.7224 for more guidance or to schedule a visit.

Written by: Jenny Flamm, Director of Welcome Centers at Messiah Lifeways at Messiah Village

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