How are you keeping active?


Jack spends the spring and summer planting and tending to his garden plot on campus—sun hat on his head and watering can in hand. He grows everything from peas, beans, onions, and sweet potatoes to beets, cabbage, cauliflower, and a variety of colorful floral blooms. However, his favorite thing to garden is the Dr. Martin pole lima bean, which is an heirloom variety, and apparently quite delicious! He gets the seeds from the Landis Valley Farm Museum in Lancaster County.

I am a retired family physician, and I enjoy watching things grow—all kinds of plants, as well as animals and humans.

–JACK WOLGEMUTH | Messiah Village Resident


John, Donna, and their corgi, Shortcake, enjoy traveling the country in their RV—being one with the outdoors. This is their fourth season traveling via RV and driving to their destinations allows them to explore parts of the country that they haven’t seen much of, including northern PA, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Florida, and many of the states in between. They especially enjoy seeing the similarities and differences of topography in the places they travel through.

“We’re not ready to just sit here and do nothing. We have a lot of living left to do.”
–JOHN & DONNA CASEY | Messiah Village Residents

Click here to read the full digital version of Unscripted, Spring 2024. 

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Molly Pavlovich

Cottage & Apartment Living

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