Beverly, Jon, and Abby returned from their once-in-a-lifetime road trip and shared their experience with us! Watch the video below for all of the fun, meaningful, and memorable moments.
Beverly’s trip was made possible by our new Concierge Services through Messiah Lifeways At Home. Let us know how we can make your life easier by calling 717.790.8209 today.
Posted before the trip on April 28, 2021:
Jonathan, a Messiah Lifeways team member, was helping Beverly out in her Messiah Village apartment one day as part of their usual home care routine when he learned of a unique situation she was facing and wanted to help.
“I was with Beverly just doing a shift and talking with her,” Jonathan remembered, “and she shared that she was having trouble finding a travel companion to go to this wedding out in Chicago.”
In early May, Beverly’s youngest daughter is getting married in Chicago, but given pandemic-related restrictions combined with her physical challenges related to Parkinson’s Disease, a trip out there seemed out of the question.
“Finally I just said, this isn’t going to work…I was just going to stay home.” -Beverly
“I had held out hope and finally I just said, this isn’t going to work,” Beverly shared. “The two girls are all I have in terms of relatives, and I didn’t really have a way to get out there, so I was just going to stay home.”
“You only get one chance at this, especially during these times,” Jonathan thought. “So, I said, ‘this might be tricky, but let’s see what we can do’.”
Jonathan went back to the office, shared Beverly’s story, and the At Home team started working to make it happen. A few weeks later, an RV was reserved, the logistics were mapped out, and Jonathan and his fiancée, Abby (who also works for Messiah Lifeways At Home), were scheduled to take Beverly on a roadtrip to Chicago.
“I’m most looking forward to seeing my girls…I haven’t seen them since the beginning of March last year.” -Beverly
“When I heard that Messiah Lifeways could take me, I was excited!” Beverly shared. “I’m most looking forward to seeing my girls. My oldest is the maid of honor, and I haven’t seen them since the beginning of March last year.”
The group leaves this evening equipped with a camera and ready to document their journey. Thankfully, we’ll be able to follow along and experience some of Beverly’s reunion with her daughters when they return. Check our social media pages and right back here on the blog in a few weeks for the rest of their story!
Beverly’s trip is made possible by our new Concierge Services through Messiah Lifeways At Home. Let us know how we can make your life easier by calling 717.790.8209 today.